Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Perhentian Island Challenge 2012

I'm sure you've heard about the latest edition of Perhentian Island Challenge. The after 9 years of greatness, it has been scarred by the newly appointed management. I have lodged a few reports regarding what had happen towards the Ministry of Sports (Kementerian Belia dan Sukan), Terengganu Ministry (SUK Terengganu), & Aduan Rakyat.

You can view the report in Terengganu Ministry website in reports section. If you want to read it in English. Google translate it, while you can get the point, it will sure make you laugh since the system translate it word-by-word and not by sentence. Try to understand this:
"Check Point 3 bracelets inadequate and cause participants di'disqualified 'at Check Point 4 because I thought not through Check Point 3. Do not underestimate the participant management and assume many will not arrive even at Check Point 3." - source: Google Translate. LOL! 

Anyway, putting aside the management flops, the race was exciting. For my category; International Elite Man, flag off was done at camp site in Perhentian Besar (Big Island) where I ran on beach for +/-500m and swam +/-800m to Perhentian Kecil (Small Island), and ended with 23km trail run. Local Elite Man/Woman also follows the same route while for the Novice category, their race was entirely done in Perhentian Kecil. I finished 6th in my category which was great! But if I raced in Local Elite Man category I would have finished 5th (more $$ win) and if I raced in Novice, I would have finished 2nd or 3rd (even more $$ win).

+/-500m beach run at Perhentian Besar.
+/-800m swim from Perhentian Besar (big island) to Perhentian Kecil (small island). I went a-wee-bit off course since the current is quite strong and my sighting skills in open water swimming still needs to be perfected. I had to fight against current for the last few hundred meters(bugger...).

My current best swimming picture =)

Transition from swimming to running.
Still doesn't have any idea that KILLER trail was ahead.
About 1km from finishing (By Tey Eng Tiong)
Top 3 finishers for the International Elite Man. 3rd - Lauren (Navy), 1st - Kenyan guy, and 2nd - Heidilee (Dino).
Champion for Local Elite Man - Lili Suhairi of TTKuda Runners. A good friend of mine, legend in the making. He got 4th place in Standard Chartered KL Marathon.
Aiyoooo.. that is me, nearing the finishing line. Had to run in the water! Tired lah!
Finishing strong!!
With Champion for Local Elite Man - Lili Suhairi.
(Left) Fieza a friend of mine from the Navy manage to get 8th place in Novice Woman category. (Right) Munzir Alawi from Magic Moments Picture & Santai Magazine looks in awe.
Dila, also one of my training mates from TTKuda Runners managed to get 10th in Novice Women category.
I do have to say the trail on Perhentian Kecil was tougher than expected. It was nearly as tough as Tioman Eco-Challenge 2011(Tioman Eco-Challenge 2010/2010 are in the class of their own with the title "Toughest Race in South East Asia"). In between CP5 to CP6 was this slippery + steep + no-trees-to-hold hill. It really gets to you mentally.. believe me.

Anyway, it took me about 4 Hours plus to finish the course. Since I train mainly for 10km race this year, I lack endurance compared to when I finished my 100km Ultramarathon last year - Sundown 100km Ultramarathon. I cramped 2km from finishing and had to stop for about 7-9 minutes. Bugger...

*If PIC clashes with Mt. Kinabalu Climbathon again next year, I will go to Sabah. But if not, MAYBE I will race PIC again; provided, DIFFERENT MANAGEMENT 

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